Welcome to Suffield Fellowship Church
Suffield Fellowship is a body joined together through our belief in Christ, who is the Savior of the world. We are a non-denominational church whose purpose is to worship God, encourage one another through God’s word, and to proclaim the Gospel. We encourage the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in one another as we fellowship through prayer, serving, and loving one another.
Sunday Worship-10:30am
All are welcome! Kingdom Kids for Pre-K through 5th grade, during service.
Wednesday Nights-7:00pm
Bible Study & Worship for adults. Youth Group for Kindergarten through High School.

We believe that the local church is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together for the purpose of worshipping God, edifying one another through the Word of God, proclaiming the Gospel, fellowshipping, serving through prayer, helping, caring, and loving one another. These believers will encourage the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their life together.

Listen to our past sermons.
Leadership Team
Meet our leadership team.